I can't believe it's been a month since I last posted! It's been a whirl wind around here.
First about SJ. Since her one month check up SJ has been getting progressively better. She seemed to slowly come out of all that colicky stuff and gradually responded to her reflux meds as well. She started sleeping consistently through the night by around 6wks... but still no sleeping during the day. Right before we left for TX she started taking morning naps and some other short naps in the swing! She did great on the plane both times and did really well in Texas considering all the moving and late nights she was put through.
Today she went in for her two month check up and she is 11.12lbs and 24inches long. She is in the 75th percentile for weight and for head size and in the 100th percentile for height! I can't believe it... she is one tall chic!
She also got two (out of six they normally do) vaccines and thankfully only one was a shot and she only cried for a second! woo hoo.
The past few days have been a little rough and definitely a flash back to the colic days but I am hoping it is just a phase and that she'll over come it soon. Really soon...
While we were in Texas we celebrated my little sister's wedding. It was really really crazy to do all the wedding houpla with a two month old but we all made it through. The bachelorette party was a blast, the bridal luncheon was tasty, the rehearsal was quick and the wedding was beautiful and very thoughtful! Aunt Cece was so beautiful and I was so blessed to be able to stand by her side for this special occasion. I am doubly glad that they are finally married and get to enjoy being together and not just engaged and long distance!
After all the wedding stuff was over we headed to Dallas to see Drew's fam and Stella got to meet Great Stella (Gran) for the first time. We had a little photo shoot (which I'm also considering her two month pics) and you can look at them here
We were supposed to have Christmas with my family on Christmas Eve but thanks to some beautiful and troublesome snow things went a little differently than planned. Claire and Cal got delayed several hours and ended up not getting home until 1am. My dad and uncle were gone trying to retrieve them from about 5pm on... which left a bunch of women, a screaming baby, Drew and my two cousins to wait things out. We finally ate without them and SJ fussed the whole time. Finally she ate and went to bed and I followed suit. We didn't do presents and I didn't even stay up for dessert... it was all very weird. Thankfully we were able to have some time with them the next morning as we all ate breakfast and opened our gifts. I think it really taught us all a wonderful lesson though about what is important. When you have a wedding, a baby and snow... there is very little that matters other than just spending time with those that are important to you and reflecting on Christ. Drew kept reminding us that tradition for traditions sake isn't worth it!! So we all tried to be laid back and go with the flow and I am so thankful for my family and the time we did get together.
On the way back to Dallas SJ got to meet her Gran Gran (my grandmother on my mom's side) and it was a sweet meeting. She isn't doing so well and wasn't able to be with us for Christmas and so it was extra special to be able to take Stella to see her on that day!
We then celebrated Christmas with 20ish people on Drew's side and it was quite the whirlwind as well. SJ was just about fed up with all the festivities and faces and so we were constantly juggling her in the midst of trying to love on family we rarely see.
All in all we were so blessed... blessed to be able to be around our family and friends during such a special season. We were also blessed with many thoughtful (and cute) gifts for ourselves and for SJ.
We were sad to go because these trips never seem long enough... but we were also glad to get back home and get SJ settled back in her own space with her own gear... I'm not sure how we made it two weeks with out a swing but my arms are definitely sore! haha
So now we are back to jobs and church and schedules and friends... the good, the mundane, the hard.... our life.