I have been quite a busy girl, you must understand. I mean, did you see those pictures below?
Well just about every room looks dramatically different! Once we got carpet upstairs things just took off and by the end of next week I don't think we will recognize the place! (and that's a great thing)
I'll cut to the chase, here are the pics...
That top one is actually already outdated b/c we finally got curtains!!! They are two brown panels that match the pillows exactly!
In other news, my parents stopped by (from Texas) and blessed our socks off. They were such a help and more than anything a comfort. It's really not fun living in a place that's all torn up and that you are allergic to. It's also not fun to work all week... I know, we all have to so there's no reason to cry about it! But it was nice to have a reason to take a few days off and get some much needed house stuff done and get a pedicure!
Tomorrow Drew's parents come in to town and I am super excited about them as well. Knowing they were coming is the only thing that has kept me from crying too hard since my parents left. I've always been pretty independent but I was really bummed to see them go and even more bummed today when they weren't here to hang with and when I had to go to work!
Sheetrock and painting are next, stay tuned!
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