I just want to paint you a couple of pictures....
One week ago:
There is a girl and she is sitting alone in a half finished room. There is no light coming in the window and both couch and table are covered in books, notes and notecards. The girl is quiet, tense, stressed, tired. The notecards keep coming, stacks upon stacks. The notes are jumbled and the pages of the books bent. Dust rests on the floor and grime on the tub. The oven is cold as well as the stove and the frigde...empty.
There is the same girl, sitting by a window in a crowded coffee shop. The computer buzzes as she types to friends and her chai latte warms her. Her purse is void of books or notecards. The floor in her home is swept and mopped, the shower cleaned and the fridge full and overflowing with baked goods. Her appearance is clear if not slightly confused, for she has no idea what to do with all her time without homework to do and books to read. She is glad.
This is me! I am done done done. I finished my Hebrew final on Thursday amidst major construction in the room next door (I want to personally thank Dr. Mohler or who ever is in charge for being so considerate of all the students and making sure that there was construction in EVERY building that finals were commencing. Thank you for sanctifying me that much more!! Thank you for making sure it was that much harder to pass Hebrew for many students and for all the times my mind blanked completely during a timed essay....I am a better person for it...maybe)
Okay okay, that's a little sassy... I'm sorry. But seriously! As if the over priced coffee wasn't enough! okay, I'll move on!
I do love seminary. Really and I do love and respect Dr. Mohler and all the seminary staff that has worked so hard to make Southern so outstanding but I don't appreciate the construction during finals.
Where was I.... oh yes, I'm DONE!!
Yesterday I did some holiday shopping and errand-running. Today I went to a Christmas party at the church and am cruising the web while my hubby works. It's snowing and I'm wearing a hot pink scarf and just received hot pink gloves to match! We are eating great food and watching Christmas movies with some of our favorite people tonight and the world just seems grand. I'm about to do a little more Christmas shopping and try to think of some more Christ-centered traditions for us this advent season!
This next week, though I am still working, will be filled with the giggles and screams of all my friends dear little ones that I will see, lots of baking and eating, sewing and knitting, reading (for pleasure!) and sleep! Soon my dear friend Joy will be in town with her beautiful red headed daughter and then my sweet sis and her bf(boy friend) will be here the next week and then we head home for the holidays!
Soon I hope to post all the house updates (tile in the kitchen!), some holiday recipes and catch you all up on life (Drew got a promotion of sorts!)
Happy Advent-season!
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