I am taking Hebrew, Theology of Worship and Hermeneutics. Plus working inbetween. I knew Hebrew was going to be tough and lots of work so I tried to pick other classes that would be interesting and maybe a little easier. Well, so far they have both been inspiring and enjoyable but I wouldn't say easy. They aren't super crazy about grades but have a lot of projects along the way, which might be a nice mix-up from the typical mid-term/exam layout. However, even after the first week I am having to run to keep up with things.
The same week school began, our community group also got back up and running. Yes, we met in our house and sat on kitchen chairs on the unfinished floor in the living room. It was sort of hilarious but worked out fine. Plus, almost every one in our group has been around here helping and so they weren't surprised or anything.
We are also taking another bible study of sorts at our church on Wednesday nights... so Tuesday-Thursday we never stop. If I can make it to Thursday night with no tears, I will be good until the following Tuesday. But that has yet to happen.
In good news, so far I'm doing well in Hebrew. It's like a puzzle with lots of rules and any one who knows me knows I am good with rules! Having legalistic tendencies has been something I've had to guard against in my faith but this is one area where so far I can let them rule! This must be the useful side of legalism. Like most things, it is helpful in one area and a total disaster in another. Once again God is calling us to be like himself, balanced.
I wouldn't let you down by not updating you on the house....
To be honest, I have to fight for joy about the house right now. It's coming along (as you will see) but some days I just want to throw up my hands with this hot and humid and messy place and go to a hotel for the rest of my days! The funny thing is, I'm struck with this discontent when we're getting the most things done...we are so close. It's obviously the enemy wearing on me and me letting down my guard. I don't deserve a house as nice as this or the ability to work on it and fix it up.... we all know the only thing I've really earned and I don't really want any part of that.
So, I fighting for joy, which I realized my Christian self cannot produce in my heart. It has to be a work of the Christ. An actual miracle occurring inside of me, changing the outside with the results. I have prayed more and more lately for this miracle in my heart at work and at home and I am seeing Him work and answer that prayer. Yesterday was my long day and it was a great day! He helped me through to victory in so many areas. It's just amazing that we start to think we can conjur up good thoughts and behaviors now that we are christians but the whole point of that faith is to say, I can't even do anything good but with Christ guiding and transforming my life there will be change in me.
Ok, tangent over... back to the house....
You can scroll down to see the "before" pictures to get the full effect.