Well, the snow has melted off the streets and life is getting back to normal.
We went to church Sunday and it was running on a generator but now the church and all of our friends have their power restored.
Tomorrow classes begin/resume at the seminary and schools all around town.
Tomorrow I will go back to work.
Our friends laughed at me because during the entire storm I never got stir crazy. I loved being trapped in the house with too many books to read and movies to watch. I love that our close friends were trapped in there with us. The thing is, I am all too aware that stress and busy-ness are coming. I know the demands of school will show their ugly faces all too soon and thus I was completely content to have a week where my biggest worry was whether or not we had enough of one thing to feed four people. I love wearing sweats and slippers all day and drinking hot tea and not having to check my watch as I read my Bible or pray. I love it.
Now though, it's time to get back to the daily grind. I am more prepared now to march into Hebrew II tomorrow morning and I have already finished the book for my first book review. I am sure I will have plenty to do at work.
The good news is that with restored power, doctor's offices are open and grocery stores have milk and Chick Fil A is much much easier to get to.
You may wonder, though you shouldn't, why I would care for a doctor's office... but well... I already have another sinus infection. In record time I have managed to fill this nose with an unholy amount of gunk and goo in a wide variety of colors and textures. hahahaha.... plus I think the meds they had me on gave me a rash... well I actually know they gave me a rash. It's seems there is always something.
What I'm learning right now is that there is nothing I can do. This is the path the Lord has me on and he has me on it for my good and His glory. In my timing and in my world I would be healed of this already. I would not have another medical issue to deal with and would not need my 5th round of antibiotics in 3 months... but you know what, I don't get to choose. Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers when he was 17 and though he was blessed time and again, he was also thrown into prison and living in a foreign land and didn't know if he would ever....ever see his family again. Yet, he declares to his brothers that what they intended for evil God was using from the get-go for good.
I hate medicine. I wish I could be one of those savvy people who never takes anything. So maybe this is all to humble me. Maybe this is to show his power in my weakness. Maybe this is just the result of a fallen world and a fallen body. Whatever the case, I want to rejoice that the Lord is good and gives good gifts to his children.
I have the most wonderful husband who loves me and cares for me in sickness and health. Drew never gets exasperated by my nose issues or the fact that he is the one paying for them. He cares for me and looks for ways to make my life easier and healthier all the time.
We have a house that the Lord has given us the finances to work on and to minister to our neighbors and friends through. He has given us power during two huge storms that knocked out others around us. He has given us good food to eat and friends to eat it with.
The Lord has given us a wonderful church that preaches the gospel and invests in people of all types.
The Lord has given us himself, beaten on a cross and then raise in glory... our mediator and counselor, the peacegiver and vindicator.
The Lord is good and will accomplish his purpose in our lives. Amen
But speaking of the house.... here's a few pics...
The new tile
trim... trying to mimic the old-Louisville style
more trim
Drew and B. Hamric finishin' up the window... they were like kids in a candy shop with this project
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