I've officially topped my record for most snow experienced. It snowed around 6 inches Monday! We were basically snowed in on Tuesday!!!! It was great. Monday night we went and played in the snow! There is this cement area for no apparent reason in our courtyard thingy and so we pretended to be figureskaters to the entertainment of every one else who's living rooms face the courtyard! I ran, I jumped, I loved the snow!
We had a great day Tuesday together and did end up getting out despite the messy roads and stuff. Today was the interesting day though. We had to go back to work and school and it rained all day/night and refroze. So there was still 6 inches or so of snow on everything and those cars (like mine) that hadn't been cleaned the day before had about 3 inches of ICE stuck on their car. Drew spent many a minute trying to scrape my car this morning to no avail and I couldn't even open my door b/c it was sealed with an inch of ice all over! It was crazy. The worst part is, it was still snowing hard and the ground was sooo icy and slippery that I kept feeling like I was going to fall while scraping. Snow is not as fun without a snow day! But it is still beautiful! Many parks and fields are still covered in white and trees still have icecycles and snow on all their branches. Rooftops are thick white and there are piles of snow everywhere that has been plowed. It's a winterwonderland! What a great Valentine's present from God to me. I've been asking for a big snow for over a year now!
Speaking of God and weather I was reminded on a radio program about how a lot of our weather is because the earth is groaning for the day when it and we will be renewed and made perfect again. With a lot of prego friends I know a little more about groaning in birth pangs than ever before... and I can see the similarity with our weather and those pains. However, our good God has taken this fallen thing (bad weather) and still made it beautiful... suck as snow. There is very little else that captivates me like big cottonball snowflakes falling in front of a background of ice-gray sky with the stark trees in the background. When everything is white and quiet it is really breathtaking. It reminds me that though we sin and live in a very fallen world, that God is still using things for good and blesses us even when we don't deserve it. Creation still cries out the goodness of God... his divine nature and eternal power (Romans 1).
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